Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wellness Issues: Stress/Health/Physical Education

Living in a nation where a large proportion of the population is over weight, there's no wonder there are so many products being developed to keep this new generation of youth in shape. There's a big push right now to keep away that Freshman 15, that extra  weight so many new college entrants gain when they go away from home and are forced to survive on their own. In the 2nd Colloquia staying fit was discussed, see topics below:

  • Physical Fitness consists of body, mind, spirit and environment.
  • 6 Principles of Exercise: regularity, progression, balance, variety, specificity, recovery and overload
  • FITT Factors: Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type
  • 5 Fitness Components: Cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength/ endurance, flexibility and body composition
  • Applying FITT factors to 5 fitness components to create weekly wkout schedule
I personally fall into the category of those who have gotten to college and forgotten that exercise and healthy eating is a major part of staying healthy. I think we all not to take a look at our own lifestyles and see where we have fallen off the ball and get back on track to living a healthy and fit lifestyle.

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