Thursday, November 19, 2009

1st Monthly Learning Colloquia- 9/8

Well the topic for this program was "What's Research?". It was held in Cramton Auditorium and I must admit a pretty good crowd turnt out for it. I got a chance to see the famous Professor Greg Carr that everyone seems to talk about and I must say he had a very commanding voice that was able to hold the attention of all those over hormonal youth and keep us all interested in what he was saying. Though I couldn't stay for the whole event I was able to learn a lot about the campus and it's history that I never knew. For example that this majority black university was founded by a "white" man; while there is nothing wrong with that but i must say I was suprised and that on this same university, on the steps of the same building (Douglass Hall) that I walk on 3 days out of the week MLK n Malcolm X met. Man who would've thought! He also went into a deep convo on how research is so important and the 5 w's of it.  Got me interested in taking his class and possible studying abroad. Well that's all for now.

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