Thursday, November 19, 2009

Motivation/Goal Setting/Time Management

Well what can I say about those topics...
  • I'm motivated by my fear of failure and end up disappointing all those who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself and also turning out to be nothing more then those I tend to criticize on a daily basis.
  • I'm horrble about making goals and sticking to them. I always tend to let other's opinions alter my thoughts and cause me to forget that I do have a mind of my own containing my own thoughts. SMH. This is the main reason I don't have a major now, because I'm so unsure of what I truly desire to do with my life due to the fact that I have the thoughts of other's mixed into what used to be my own.
  • Time management has no existance in my life. I'm horrble at it and proper pre-planning skills, not to mention I'm a HUGH procrastinator. I need some serious help. 

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